All tagged fear

Visibility and Courage

But they had more to say. That I’m hurting my business because I’m not relating to people. That I’m not building rapport, that people don’t trust me or like me. That they’re a business coach, y’know.

Thank you. I appreciate your advice. Consider me educated.

But don’t be afraid to share your excitement and your products.

Okay, thanks.

You wouldn’t hold back if it was a show or a movie you liked, you’d tell people!

Yeah, that’s true. Thank you.

What matters most is YOU enjoy it and share that spark of joy with them! Emoji heart.

You Were Made For This.

Nearly a decade of higher education under my belt, and after all this time, I’m still convinced that I was chosen from birth to do this work. That the education helped us to become more ourselves than it ever could have done to inform us of the how of counseling.