Viv & Moxie is about living bravely, lovingly, and unapologetically.
Viv & Moxie is about living bravely, lovingly, and unapologetically.
“I mean, it sounds like a nice concept, but it’s just not practical. I have weight to lose. I have these scars. Look at me.
So why would I love ::gestures to self:: ...this?”
Photo by Hello I'm Nik on Unsplash
“The rules of worth that we’ve been living by don’t apply to any of us.”
Photo by Nikita Kachanovsky on Unsplash
You will have access to weekly workshops to learn the steps that I use to practice body love.
These workshops are held in a member’s only portal that will not only allow you to keep track of your progress, but allow you to continue to access the lessons and updates after our program wraps.
Photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash
You’ll be invited to a weekly group coaching session to talk about more ways to use these steps in your daily practice.
You will also have an individual coaching session with me, so we can dig even deeper, and flesh out your personalized strategy for lasting transformation.
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash
In m|body, you’ll be part of a small, private group of women who get what you’re going through.
You will have daily support from me, and our collective, in an exclusive m|body Facebook group.