Viv & Moxie is about living bravely, lovingly, and unapologetically.
Viv & Moxie is about living bravely, lovingly, and unapologetically.
Want to get all of the benefits of individual coaching, but prefer texting, email, and social media? We've got you covered.
Pocket Moxie is a digital-only program that’s like having a coach at your disposal, without an appointment. Whether it be via email, messaging, voice messaging, or even social media, be in contact as you need, when you want. Get support through a rough patch, a stressful event, or to keep yourself on-point and motivated to finally create the world and life you’ve been longing for. (The time is now!)
Let’s get started, shall we?
Unlimited daily digital support
Texts / Messenger
Voice Messaging
Social Media